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Sustainability Report 2023 Released

Firm Steps from Kastamonu Entegre Towards a Sustainable Future

Kastamonu Entegre, one of the global leaders in the wood-based panel industry, released its Sustainability Report 2023. The report, in which the company emphasized that they place sustainability at the core of their corporate strategy in line with their vision of bridging nature and life, highlighted renewable energy investments, circular economy practices, and goals to reduce carbon emissions through environmentally friendly products such as 100 percent biobased Pureboard. Haluk Yıldız, CEO of Kastamonu Entegre that makes a difference with the prizes it has been awarded in innovation and energy efficiency, said: "We reinforce our leadership by producing sustainable solutions thanks to our deep-rooted history dating back to our establishment. Our R&D initiatives and digitalization-oriented projects will enable us to progress stronger and stronger every year.”

The Sustainability Report 2023 prepared by the Sustainability Working Group at Kastamonu Entegre, which stands out as the first company in Turkey to release a sustainability report in its industry, includes comprehensive information on the company's environmental, social and economic performance, strategic priorities, sustainability policies and stakeholder relationships. The report, in which the company emphasized that they place sustainability at the core of their corporate strategy in line with their vision of bridging nature and life, includes some specifics about the activities and processes fulfilled regarding energy efficiency, circular economy, sustainable forest management, material and water management, waste reduction, diversity and inclusion under the major topics such as “Responsible Governance Approach”, “Sustainability Approach”, “Climate and Environmental Protection”, “Employee Orientation” and “Stakeholder Relationships”. The report issued in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards covers the company's operations in Turkey between 1 January and 31 December 2023.

Yıldız: “2023 was the Year of the Firm Steps We Took for Sustainability and Innovation”

Stating that 2023 was a year in which the company stood out for its firm steps in the fields of sustainability and innovation as well as its success in global markets, Kastamonu Entegre's CEO Haluk Yıldız said, “Drawing on our deep-rooted heritage dating back to our establishment, we continue to lead the industry in environmentally friendly products by integrating our sustainability approach into every stage of our business processes. Our R&D initiatives and digitalization- and innovation-oriented projects will enable us to move forward as a company that looks to the future with hope, growing stronger every year.”

Yıldız remarked that they commissioned two “mega-site” production facilities thanks to their domestic investments, providing the following information: “The two ‘mega-site’ production facilities we commissioned have played a key role in increasing our production capacity and competitiveness in Turkey. We came 18th on Fast Company's Most Innovative Companies List by offering ecological solutions through our 100 percent biobased product Pureboard. Our achievements in innovation and R&D have had a significant impact throughout the industry. We were the first prize winner in the Innovation Strategy category of the InovaLIG competition organized by the Turkish Exporters Assembly (TIM). We won energy efficiency awards and achieved many environmental savings through projects supported by the Turkish Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources. These efforts reflect our company's responsibility to nature and society.”

Yıldız pointed out that they carry out both product development and productivity improvement projects in their R&D centers, and said, “We develop projects that make a difference in these areas by focusing on circular solutions, such as innovative and sustainable materials and the use of recycled materials. In line with our sustainability vision, we collaborate with academic institutions, universities, startups, public bodies and EU organizations to transform scientific and technical know-how into effective projects.”

Nature-Respecting Production, Contribution to Circular Economy

A leader in renewable energy investment, the company generates enough clean and renewable energy to power 100,000 homes for a year at its biomass and solar power plants, avoiding 140,000 tons of carbon emissions each year.  The Adana and Kastamonu SPPs produce a total of 26 million kWh of energy per year, while the Balıkesir and Kastamonu ORC biomass plants convert 340,000 tons of biomass waste into energy and produce over 200 million kWh of electricity.

In 2023, the company completed numerous projects as part of energy saving and renewable energy and currently covers 67 percent of its direct energy consumption through renewable sources. Covering 8 percent of its water needs through recycling, Kastamonu Entegre also minimizes environmental impacts through zero waste practices. The company continues to demonstrate its commitment to the principles of the circular economy by recycling and recovering 97.99% of waste.

The full version of Kastamonu Entegre Sustainability Report 2023 can be found on the website for more information about the company's sustainability efforts.