Sustainability Policy
- As Kastamonu Entegre, we adopt an ethical, transparent, equitable and an accountable management approach in the awareness of our environmental, economic and social contributions and impacts.
- We engage in activities that strengthen our corporate structure, and we take sustainable development-based growth as the basis, in line with our target of becoming a global brand.
- In determining our strategies, we always consider the expectations and opinions of our stakeholders and create a strong bond by ensuring their satisfaction.
- We conduct practices with an employee-oriented perspective that takes into account their expectations and needs, thereby creating an efficient and peaceful working environment.
- Besides ensuring the health and safety of all our employees, we also contribute to their training and development activities.
- Pursuant to our responsible purchasing approach, we perform our raw material supply processes based on sustainable forest management. We support initiatives related to this model and contribute positively to their development.
- Our innovation and R&D processes enable us to develop and manufacture products that create high quality, environmentally friendly and healthy living spaces using state-of-the-art technology.
- We respect human rights and encourage equal opportunity.
- We pay regard to energy and water efficiency; we implement renewable and innovative energy projects accordingly.
- We contribute to the welfare of the local community by creating employment and economic value in our geographic locations.
- Please click here to access our Sustainability Report 2023.