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Management Systems

Turkey's Trailblazer in Quality Management Systems 

As Kastamonu Entegre, we are the leading company in Turkey in implementing quality management systems and have been certified and re-certified to the below management system certificates since 2002.

We create and update all documents including procedures, instructions, forms etc. on the QDMS (Quality Documents Management System) to ensure the standardization and continuation of all quality management systems within the company. Document management, quality records management, device management, corrective and remedial actions, internal client complaints, and action management modules are actively used to boost the efficiency of management systems.

We provide regular training every year for all our employees and internal auditors to sustain the efficiency of management systems. The internal audits designed to cover all units in all locations are carried out efficiently every year by a group of competent internal auditors, ensuring the success of external audits throughout the year.

  • 119 internal audit units/locations planned and carried out per year
  • 54 external units carried out in our domestic facilities per year