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Our Achievements

Number of suggestions: we receive suggestions equivalent to the number of our factory employees throughout the year. We aim to quintuple this figure through recognition, acknowledgment, and encouragement. 

Number of quality circle (QC) activities: we are completing at least 150 activities across KEAS throughout the year and getting striking results.

Blue Collar/Gray Collar participation: While the participation rate of employees in domestic factories across QC activities exceeds 70 percent, the rate exceeds 45 percent for all factories in total. We aim to increase the overall participation rate to 70 percent across all factories.

KEAS Quality Summits: Our traditional Local Quality Summit and KEAS Global Quality Summit events have become exciting sources of motivation for our employees.

KalDer awards: At the QC Exchange Conference organized by the Ankara Branch of the Turkish Quality Association (KalDer), we received a total of seven awards in four years (the maximum number of awards to be received per conference is two) and stood out among the companies that have thus far participated in the event.

Visibility Our Quality System Improvement Practices (Quality Circles, SMED, 5S, suggestion system) have been attracting other companies and organizations since 2019.

  • Our competent employees in this field are assigned to the assessment jury by KalDer to judge the work of other companies. Our speakers in our Global Quality and Quality Systems Directorate share their experiences at the instructive panels and events organized on Lean Management Journey by KalDer.
  • We organize presentations at Organized Industrial Zones in various locations and provide training to neighboring companies.
  • We provide courses at universities within the scope of university-industry cooperation.
  • We host visitors from neighboring companies to observe our activities in our factories.