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Kastamonu is among the leaders in labor protection

Kastamonu, the number one manufacturer of MDF and laminate in Russia, became an awardee of the XV Republican competition Best Labor Protection Expert – 2023

The XV Republican competition Best Labor Protection Expert – 2023 is held annually by the Interregional Association of Labor Protection (IALP) supported by the Public Chamber of the Republic of Tatarstan in order to improve the efficiency and quality of the work to create safe and healthy working conditions in organizations, and extend good professional practice. This year, 16 Tatarstan enterprises became the winners. Kastamonu, having taken part in the second stage of the competition, took prizes in two categories: Best regulations on professional risk management - the second place, Best regulations on internships with an exclusive approach to internships, in connection with the announcement in 2023 of The Year of Teacher and Mentor in the Russian Federation – the third place.

The award ceremony took place at the Public Chamber of Tatarstan. It was attended by Valeeva Zilya Rakhimzyanovna, Chairman of the Public Chamber of the Republic of Tatarstan, Gabdrakhmanov Fanil Iskhakovich, Chairman of the Interregional Association of Labor Protection of the Republic of Tatarstan, as well as representatives of other departments of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The head and Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan pay great attention to labor protection and safety issues, since preserving the life and health of employees is the main task of every employer.

“Occupational safety is our top priority. Kastamonu provides employees with complete technical support and strictly complies with all current labor safety standards. In addition, we regularly organize personnel trainings in industrial safety and labor protection. Our employees participate in trainings that simulate the conditions of possible emergency situations and undergo fire safety knowledge assessments,” said Ali Kılıç, CEO of Kastamonu Russia.

In its activities, Kastamonu observes all applicable norms and rules, including the requirements of the developed local document R ISM 01-01-2022 Integrated Management System Guidelines. At sites where, according to legislation, working conditions are classified as hazardous, a thorough analysis of occupational risks is carried out and all necessary precautions are taken to manage their level to maximum effect. It is noted that for the second year in a row, the company has managed to lower the risk category for the enterprise from significant to medium. All this is the result of the responsible work of the entire team without accidents, emergencies, or incidents.

Training is carried out during labor safety briefings, on-the-job training, first aid training, and training in the use (application) of personal protective equipment. The company plans to introduce virtual reality (VR) technologies in training, which will further contribute to the prevention of incidents and injuries by improving the safety culture in the company.