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Kastamonu became the winner of the Best Products and Services Competition

Products by Kastamonu, the number one manufacturer of MDF and laminated flooring in Russia, have been named the prize winner of the annual competition Best Products and Services of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The competition Best Products and Services of the Republic of Tatarstan is one of the most successful projects to demonstrate the achievements of the republican manufacturers. It is held in accordance with the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan No. 1969-r dated 26.12.2003 as a regional stage of the All-Russian competition of the 100 Best Products of Russia Program. Its organizers are the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Tatarstan, and the State Regional Center for Standardization, Metrology, and Testing of Rosstandart in the Republic of Tatarstan.

Kastamonu takes part in the competition every year. This year, medium-density fiber board MDF with a coating of the ACRYLIC PANEL trademark was determined as the winner in the nomination "Industrial products for the population" and was awarded the Laureate title. ACRYLIC panels are based on MDF panels. The front surface coating is made of acrylic. The back side of the board is covered with a compensating material and matches completely the color of the front side with the AM Senosan TopX coating. The advantage of acrylic panels over common glossy PVC panels is even greater reflectivity and resistance to scratches, household chemicals, UV rays, high temperatures, and humidity, as well as ease of maintenance. The ACRYLIC collection includes 14 high-quality decor options that provide the opportunity to create unique, modern, and aesthetic living spaces.

"One of the main objectives of Kastamonu is to produce high-quality and environmentally friendly products that are safe and affordable for consumers. We are pleased that our industrial potential and our products are recognized with high awards, which proves the reputation of a quality manufacturer and increases consumer confidence," Kastamonu Russia representative office notes.

The regional quality commission nominated Kastamonu products for the federal stage of the All-Russian competition of the 100 Best Products of Russia Program.