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Coda Of Ethics & Business Conduct

The business code of ethics adopted by the employees and stakeholders of Kastamonu Entegre and its subsidiaries as their fundamental values establishe...


2023 Architecture Trends

Life has been undergoing radical changes as next-generation technology takes over, work-life recreates itself, and nature once again asserts its essen...


Multidisciplinary Design Trends

Advancing technology, multidisciplinary education opportunities, and the faster spread of ideas and experiences prompt changes in the discipline of de...


Earthquake-Resistant Structures

Although Turkey is exposed to many earthquakes every day due to its geographical location, some of them cause disasters with their magnitude. The eart...


Bridging Nature and Life Meetings take place for the fourth time “Artificial intelligence is driving personal preferences”

Kastamonu Entegre hosted the talk on “Trends in Interior Architecture and Artificial Intelligence” during the fourth session of Bridging Nature and Li...


Bridging Nature and Life Meetings take place for the fourth time “Artificial intelligence is driving personal preferences”

Kastamonu Entegre hosted the talk on “Trends in Interior Architecture and Artificial Intelligence” during the fourth session of Bridging Nature and Li...


Bridging Nature and Life Meetings takes place for the fifth time: Possibility to Transform the Current System Through Social Entrepreneurs

Kastamonu Entegre hosted the talk on “Inclusive Design” during the fifth session of Bridging Nature and Life Meetings. The latest developments about i...


Bridging Nature and Life Meetings takes place for the fifth time: Possibility to Transform the Current System Through Social Entrepreneurs

Kastamonu Entegre hosted the talk on “Inclusive Design” during the fifth session of Bridging Nature and Life Meetings. The latest developments about i...


