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Cookie Policy

This Cookie Policy has been adopted by Kastamonu Bulgaria AD, a company registered with the Bulgarian Commercial Register and the Register of Non-Profit Legal Entities with Unified Identify Code (UIC) 123006579, with its seat and registered address in Republic of Bulgaria, Stara Zagora Region, Pavel Banya Municipality, 6151, Gorno Sahrane Village, in its capacity of data controller (“we”, “us”, “our”, “data controller”).

This “” website uses cookies in order to enhance its performance, to fulfil requests you have send us through this website (setting and storing privacy preferences), as well as to increase website’s security. We also use optional cookies to analyse your browsing preferences, and in this regard to provide you with personalized advertising based on your recent searches and interactions monitored.  

The purpose of this Cookie Policy is to inform you as regards to what cookies are, what type of cookies we use on our website, for which purposes, and how you can manage them in view of the personal data processing performed automatically through their placement on your end device. 

With respect to the cookies used on our website, apart from the Strictly Necessary Cookies, we explicitly request user consent in order to place them on your end device, whereas the opportunity to withdraw the initially given consent is provided at any time. Through the Cookie Management Panel, available on our website, users can see the types of cookies used and can set their preferences with the "on" and/or "off" option settings, applicable for all cookies, with the exception of Strictly Necessary ones. Again, users can always change their preferences through this panel. Notwithstanding the circumstance that our Panel does not allow the disabling of the Strictly Necessary Cookies, the latter could be disabled/deleted through the browser settings of your end device at any time. In case the user is disabled/deleted the Strictly Necessary Cookies, some of all of the functionalities of our website may not be available.

What are Cookies 

A cookie is a small text file, or small packs of information, which are stored through the Internet browser of your end device (computer, tablet, laptop or mobile phone) when you visit various sites and pages on the Internet. The main purpose of cookies is to make the user recognizable when he returns to the website, and some cookies also have a more specific application, such as storing the user's behaviour on the website (user preferences) and making it easier for the user to use the website. They may also serve for making advertising content you receive more personalized according to your browsing status.

When you are visiting our website, you have the possibility via our Cookie Management Panel to accept the optional cookies used on our website, to accept certain categories of cookies and refuse others pursuant to your preferences, or to refuse all cookies, apart from the Strictly Necessary Cookies. If you have accepted the use of some or all cookies, your preferences will apply only to cookies available on this particular website. 

Types of Cookies

First-party and third-party cookies: Whether the cookie is first-party or third-party depends on the cookie placed by the website or domain. 

First-party cookies are created and placed directly by the website the user is visiting, that is, the internet address shown in the browser's address bar. 

Third-party cookies are those created and placed by a domain other than the one the user is visiting.

Types of cookies according to their intended use: The following cookies are used on our website according to the purpose of use:

  • Strictly Necessary Cookies: These cookies are necessary for the operation of our website. These cookies are used as necessary to provide an information society service (logging in, filling out forms and remembering privacy preferences) you have requested. Detailed information about the Strictly Necessary Cookies used on our website, including their purpose of use, is given in the table below:
Name of Cookie Domain Purpose of Use Duration of Cookie Type of Cookie
XSRF-TOKEN This cookie is written to help with site security in preventing Cross-Site Request Forgery attacks. 2 hours First-Party Strictly Necessary Cookies
laravel_session It saves the session log so that website members and CMS users do not ask for passwords again. 2 hours First-Party Strictly Necessary Cookies
cookie_consent_XXX This cookie is used for storing the visitor preference for the cookies in the information notice 2 months 1 day First-Party Strictly Necessary Cookies
__cf_bm This cookie, set by Cloudflare, is used to support Cloudflare Bot Management. 30 minutes Third-Party Strictly Necessary Cookies
mediapress.isPanel It is used to make visitor reports in CMS. 1 day First-Party Necessary Cookies
mediapress Controls and directs whether CMS users are logged out. 5 years First-Party Necessary Cookies

2) Advertising/Marketing Cookies: Detailed information regarding the Advertising/Marketing Cookies used in our online channels, including their purpose of use, is given in the table below:

Name of the Cookie Domain Purpose of Use Duration of Cookie Type of Cookie
AEC It is used to serve personalized advertising based on recent searches and previous interactions. 6 months Third-Party Advertising/Marketing Cookies
NID It is used to serve personalized advertising based on recent searches and previous interactions. 6 months Third-Party Advertising/Marketing Cookies
SAPSID It is used to serve personalized advertising based on recent searches and previous interactions. 6 months Third-Party Advertising/Marketing Cookies
APSID It is used to serve personalized advertising based on recent searches and previous interactions. 6 months Third-Party Advertising/Marketing Cookies
SSID It is used to serve personalized advertising based on recent searches and previous interactions. 6 months Third-Party Advertising/Marketing Cookies
HSID It is used to serve personalized advertising based on recent searches and previous interactions. 6 months Third-Party Advertising/Marketing Cookies
Fr Facebook, as a third-party server provider, collects data about users through widgets such as the "Like" button found on most websites. These collected data is used for targeted advertising. 3 months Third-Party Advertising/Marketing Cookies
IDE It can be used to serve user-targeted advertisements or to limit the number of advertisements displayed to the user. 2 years Third-Party Advertising/Marketing Cookies
YSC This cookie is set by YouTube to track views of embedded videos. During session Third-Party Advertising/Marketing Cookies
  • Performance/Analytical Cookies: Performance/Analytical Cookies are cookies that can be used for analysing user behaviour on our websites and applications, improving our website and applications, estimating the number of unique users, determining the most effective search engine keywords, monitoring your browsing status and measuring the effect of advertisements on users, and cookies that allow statistical measurement. Detailed information about Performance/Analytical Cookies on our website, including their purpose of use, is given in the table below:
Name of the Cookie Domain Purpose of Use Duration of Cookie Type of Cookie
_fbp It is used by Facebook to deliver a range of advertising products from third-party advertisers, such as real-time bidding. 3 months First-Party Performance/Analytics Cookies
Cookies starting with _ga It is used for Google to distinguish users by assigning a randomly generated number as a customer identifier. It varies as hourly to 2 years. First-Party Performance/Analytics Cookies
_gid It is used to assign a unique value for each page visited for Google. Daily First-Party Performance/Analytics Cookies
  • Functional Cookies: These types of cookies are used to make our website more functional and for personalization purposes (except for your privacy preferences, to ensure that your other preferences are remembered when you re-enter the site). Detailed information about the Functional Cookies on our website, including their purpose of use, is given in the table below:
Name of the Cookie Domain Purpose of Use Duration of Cookie Type of Cookie
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE This cookie is set by YouTube to keep track of user preferences for YouTube videos embedded in sites; it can also determine whether the website visitor is using the new or old version of the YouTube interface. 6 months Third-Party Functional Cookies

How to Manage Cookies Used on Our Website

Non-strictly necessary cookies (meaning Marketing, Analytical and Functional Cookies) are optional, and may only be placed on the user’s end device in the event that they give explicit consent via our website’s consent mechanism, available in the Cookies Management Panel. Initially set non-strictly necessary cookies may be rejected at any given time by editing your privacy preferences through the same Management Panel. 

Users may manage their cookies preferences by also setting up their browser to allow or to reject various types of cookies. Depending on the browser used, these settings may be either enabled by default or require the user to configure them. There is also a range of browser extensions and add-ons for web browsers that users may install to further manage their cookie preferences. In order to find out more information related to browser settings, please visit the browser’s support webpage and available thereon policies. Please be aware, however, that in case you reject and delete all possible types of cookies (including Strictly Necessary ones) our website may not work properly or you may lose some functionality. Moreover, we will not be able to fulfil the requests you have send us through our website (such as language preferences, filling-in and sending of forms, etc.).

Furthermore, we also use cookies on our website created and stored on your device by trusted third-party business partners, in order to monitor your digital behavior and browsing status. This way we are able to understand and target more relevant to your preferences advertising. In the course of using such cookies, should you give consent thereto, unique identifier is created for each user on the basis of the cookie stored on their end device. These unique codes help identify and distinguish you from other users. Within the definitions set in the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (“GDPR”), identifiers, such as the ones created and used by our respective business partners, represent personal data about you. In this context, and in order to understand more about the processing of your personal data, based on the use of cookies placed by our third-party business partners within their own networks, respectively how to opt-out from these cookies, please contact us and/or review the relevant privacy/cookie policies of our business partners, available on the their separate websites.

To disable all cookies used by Google Analytics across all websites, please visit

Purposes and Legal Grounds of Processing Personal Data

Strictly Necessary Cookies are used to provide an information society service that you have requested, and to ensure the core functionality of our website in terms of accessibility and security. Your personal data collected through these cookies are processed within the scope of Article 6, para. 1, l. “f” of the GDPR - processing of personal data is necessary for the legitimate interests of the data controller, provided that it does not harm the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject.

You may be able to disable these cookies through your browser settings, but in process you will lose some of the functionalities made available to you on our website.

Advertising/Marketing Cookies are used by our trusted business partners to profile your interests and show you relevant advertisements. Performance/Analytics Cookies allow us on the basis of gathered statistical information (regarding your digital behaviour and browsing status) to provide you with the best possible website experience by continuously optimizing our websites, applications, services and offerings. Functional Cookies are used to make our website more functional and to personalize the website. Your personal data collected through Advertising/Marketing Cookies, Performance/Analytical Cookies and Functional Cookies are only processed with your explicit consent pursuant to Article 6, para. 1, l. “a” of the GDPR – processing of personal data is based on the consent of the data subject for for one or more specific purposes.

Requests of Data Subjects

In accordance with your legal rights pursuant to the GDPR and the applicable Personal Data Protection Act, you can send your requests in writing to the following address: Republic of Bulgaria, Stara Zagora Region, Pavel Banya Municipality, 6151, Gorno Sahrane Village, 24 Shipchenska Epopeya str. 

Contact person on data protection matters: Mrs. Ella Mikolaivna Kobets

In addition, you can submit your request via e-mail address to the following:

The most up-to-date Cookie Policy can always be found on our website. In this regard, you will be always able to inform yourselves in regard to any change which have been made to this Cookie Policy.

This Cookie Policy has been adopted and is effective as of 10.05.2024